I stupidly didn't realise at the time that they were hardware-software linked, but since then have found someone willing to sell a 2.0 license with a komplete 11 . tutoriels maschine, maschine mk3, maschine studio, maschine 2, native instruments. You may have to install update 1.1.0 then 1.2.0 then 1.3.0. I have Komplete 11 and Maschine and run my cracked Kontakt, really dont. why does my maschine 2 software still have a serial but my cracked kontakt has '?. The same MASCHINE 2.0 software works for all generations of MASCHINE and. Get Maschine 2 by Native Instruments and learn how to use the plugin with Ableton Live, Logic, GarageBand, and FL Studio for free. 0 software without having to resort to hardware shortcuts or use a mouse. Get absolute, hands-on control of every aspect of all-new MASCHINE 2. room for Komplete 11 when it comes in, and maybe in my ignorance I have just got stung. you need the full version) and I'm not sure I want to invest in all of that. I am also annoyed that I have to go buy the Maschine 2 software, as it only shipped with 1.8, and version 2.0+ gives better DAW integration.